The “Greeter” concept The Greeter, a resident of Nice, who loves the city and is open to other cultures of all ages and all horizons, offers on a volonteer basis during his or her free time, to accompany visitors around the city in places which have a particular personal significance. The Greeter shares his city in accordance with the visitors request, but this discovery must absolutely be “off the beaten track”, it must in no circumstances be a guided visit with a heritage theme. The theme outings (shopping, markets, neighbourhood life, gastronomy…) serve as supports for the meeting. The human experience and exchange are very important and remain the basis of the meeting. The outing lasts an average of two hours. Each time it is unique, made to measure, according to affinities, the weather, the visitor’s interests, current events. No form of payment is requested from the visitor. Each Greeter, who must be minimum 18 years old, must be motivated, open-minded, sociable and available at least one hlaf-day a month and enjoy human contact. The Nice Côte d’Azur Metropolitan Convention and Visitors Bureau, in charge of the Nice Greeters organisation and this website, puts the Greeters in contact with their guests according to their interests in common. The Greeters charter Our Core values A worldwide network